At Frankfurt airport, with three-hour layover before flight to Rome. Visited Lufthansa's Senator and Business lounges... mostly just the usual stuff, but they did have showers in the business lounge, which was a lifesaver. Usually a three-hour layover in the midst of an international flight would make me miserable, but havign the chance to shower really woek me up and made me feel a million times better. For once I'll be arriving in Rome not looking completely scrungy!
On a side note, there was a wireless hotspot in Lufthansa's Senator's loung, but my T-Mobile account from the US doesn't seem to want to work in Germany (even with the special username trick George A. taught me). I paid for a short session to send a couple quick e-mails, but was too cheap to get a full hour so I could post an update on the blog. (But as you can see, I can type them on my laptop and post them later, when I get online.)
If you hear from Troy again, see if you can get the skinny on Barcelona, like any must-sees, or really cool opportunities.
Posted by: Jan | August 26, 2004 at 09:07 PM
Will do, Mom.
Posted by: Barbara | August 27, 2004 at 03:25 AM