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I had talked to Megan about her weekend in Prague, and heard it was a good time, but somehow when calling from cube-to-cube she neglected to mention some of the details. I wonder - can Barbara bring home some Absinthe?


If you know where to look in the good old USA, one can find the bottle of the green fairy. I make it a point when I find a back alley pub, or shop that happens to have stock of the real stuff, not the bogus stuff you can find at the local BevMo*. I will have to remember to bring a bottle to share, the next time I am in Portland.

* http://www.bevmo.com/productinfo.asp?sku=00000057935&Dn=166+168&Ntt=absente&N=168+166+0&Ne=171+3+5+270+269+11+12+7+8+167+271+10+29+64+6+44+25+9+255+256+67+272+24+26&D=absente&area=home&Ntk=All&nocontinue=s&cntShpng1Rec=1

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