It's a good thing I visited Beijing previously and enjoyed it, because today wouldn't have sold me on it.
We had another short night (6 hours sleep this time) followed by a long day of government meetings, award ceremonies and a TV talk show. These were interspersed with walks in and out of buildings in the bitter, dry cold.
Today's meals were a disappointment all around - we had not-so-appealing sandwiches on the bus for lunch (with mayo, which of course meant I couldn't eat them), then to make up for the bad lunch, the local team bought us local food to have for dinner on the plane. Unfortunately, it wasn't so great either.
We had a 3+ hour flight from Beijing to Hong Kong, where we stopped for an hour to refuel, and now we're continuing with another four hours to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where we land after midnight.
At the moment we're watching the movie "Memento," and enjoying a cheese and cracker plate - the high point of the day. Here's hoping tomorrow's a better day.