My boss complained about my snoozer of a blog entry earlier this week, so it looks like I'll have to resort to writing about my business travel. Last night and today I was in San Francisco for a processor launch at the Four Seasons, which sounds more exciting than it actually was. People who don't do much business travel think it's all very glamorous and fun. Those people are wrong.
After a late evening flight on a cramped little Horizon Air plane, I arrived at my hotel around midnight. Did I mention my hotel was the Marriott? Yeah - if you thought Intel was springing for employees to sleep at the Four Seasons just because we have an event there, you were wrong again.
Six hours later (keeping in mind that I'm one of those people who needs a full eight hours), I woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head, and did an hour of e-mail before looking up and noticing I was late. Around the block to the event (suitcase & laptop bag in tow) for four hours of standing in heels, applauding on cue, and politely schmoozing.
The highlight of the day was a stolen hour gabbing with a CNET reporter (and fellow blogger) about corporate blogging trends and strategies, with a tangent on child-rearing philosophies (his, since I have no legitimate grounds for having any).
Then off to the airport, quick get online to catch up on e-mail, oh wait, flight's delayed, more e-mail, now hurry up and get on the plane so we can wait on the tarmac for what feels like eons, wait for the beep so I can open my laptop and do yet more e-mail, say a silent thanks for Horizon Air's free beer and wine, finally land in Portland, fight the traffic home, and finally - breathe a sigh of relief... home at last.
Ready to sign up for corporate life yet? :-)