I'm cocooned in the back seat of Abby's car now, on the way home from the stagette weekend in Vancouver. FYI, in Canada they call it a "stagette," not "bachelorette" party. Being the internationally savvy women that we are, we quickly adapted to the local language. For example, there was absolutely no giggling when we saw this "speed hump" sign.
In contrast to my days of rest, relaxation and solitude in Whistler, the stagette weekend was a whirlwind of group activities. We started Friday night with dinner at a Tapas restaurant, which turned out to also be hosting a lesbian stagette party and a straight stag party.
Since we were only on night one of two, we were a bit shown up by the lesbians, who had raunchy gifts, silly bridal-wear and a list of assignments for the bride. One of these assignments was to kiss a straight women, and after we pointed out that Abby is a straight woman, she got her first lesbian kiss (bringing the number of people Abby has kissed to 73).
After dinner we walked a few thousand miles trying to figure out which bar we wanted to go to, and finally settled at Ginger, where we drank, watched weird videos on the wall,
and did the Funky Chicken (or maybe that was just Andi?).
On Saturday we had a group breakfast at the Elbow Room, where insulting the customer is the name of the game. For example, when we arrived and found out they had forgotten our breakfast reservation for 11 people, Hannah - who was perfectly calm at the time - was told "don't get in a huff." They also made Abby wear an ugly and uncomfortable hat. Good times.
When we were done being verbally assaulted, Jen and I headed to do a little shopping while the rest of the group went for a bike ride. The shopping might night have warranted a mention, except that while walking between stores, we passed none other than Pierce Brosnan! He was in town filming a new movie, according to the Globe & Mail. When we first spotted him, I had one of those "Hey, that guy looks a lot like Pierce Brosnan" moments, and then realized it actually was Pierce Brosnan. We held it together while he walked toward us, then promptly looked at each other and collapsed in giggles as soon as he had passed. In true movie star fashion, he didn't react in the slightest. And in case you were wondering, yes, he's as attractive in person as on screen.
While it was hard to top our celebrity encounter, some of our purchases helped us do just that. Jen and I had picked up some special gifts for Abby - a whip, collar and leash - which we gave to her during a little party in her room before the evening's festivities. Abby was already a spectacle in a white sundress and veil,
but when we headed out for the night with her on the leash, we attracted non-stop attention. Old ladies gaped in horror, men grinned lasciviously, cars slowed, and little children asked, "Mommy, why is that lady on a leash?" It was a blast.
Sushi dinner was great, the gay drag show a little less so, but all told it was a very enjoyable and entertaining weekend. We got to hear about how Andi deflowered a priest (!), learn a few tidbits we didn't know about Abby and Scott (say hi to Joe and the girls, please),
chat with a drag queen, and conquer Kim's personal version of hell - listening to techno while waiting for a drag show to commence. What more could a girl ask for?
More photos at http://babas.typepad.com/photos/great_northwest/.