In researching our upcoming trip to Panama (late Dec. 2009 through mid-January 2010), I've been surprised to find much less information available online than most of the places I've traveled to. So I thought I'd put out a call for help.
Currently, we're planning to spend about a week in Bocas del Toro, about a week with a rental car road tripping along the Pacific coast from David to Panama City, and our last week in Panama City, which we've read is the most cosmopolitan city in Central America.
In Bocas we'll be focused on relaxing in hammocks with rum drinks. But for the rest of the trip, we'd love tips for great locales, sites and hotels to visit along the Pacific coast, and activities and restaurants in Panama City (which we've learned Panamanians refer to just as "Panama").
Not sure yet if I'll blog while we're there, or just recap afterward - I do want to make sure to fully relax and not feel pressured to report out in real time. But sooner or later I'll definitely be sharing our experiences and photos from the trip (which will hopefully help fill the dearth of info on Panama, esp. the Pacific coast area).
Thanks in advance for the help!