Where to begin… I guess all my blog entries this week will be a bit rushed, since I'll have to squeeze them in between rushing to & from flights, TV interviews, press conferences, morning briefings, etc. etc. etc. But it feels like so much happened today, I don't know how I'm going to do this in 10 minutes! Photos will definitely have to wait until the end of the week.
First, getting in last night - what a trip (and I don't mean the flight!). We landed in Delhi, India (we being me and my boss, Mark) on a commercial flight (hereafter I'll be on the charter jet). The airport was crazy, even though it was 2:30 in the morning, and aside from the hordes of people, we also noticed men with machine guns poised to deal with whatever.
On to the hotel - a 45-minute ride that was bar-none the craziest driving I've ever seen. Several times we passed broken down trucks, motorcycles and carts blocking the road; everyone was honking non-stop; our driver would take random detours onto gravel roads, then connect back to the main road; but the biggest eye-rubbing, "is this for real?" moment was passing two elephants, plodding along as part of the traffic on the highway. Unreal!
We had various mishaps with the hotel - Mark's lights wouldn't stay on last night, mine wouldn't stay off this morning while I was trying to sleep, and to top it off my bed smelled like urine - but overall it's a really nice place, and I'm being treated like a queen because I'm part of an executive crew. My 24-hour butler has been quite responsive.
Today Mark and I
hired a taxi to drive us around and see some of the sights, but to be honest we found the drive more interesting than the sights themselves. Everywhere there was something fascinating to see - crazy traffic, tent communities,
cows on city streets, people getting their haircut on chairs by the side of the road, kids begging for cash at the taxi door, sorry looking dogs, endless construction to the point of it looking like a war zone.
We got out at one monument and
were bombarded with attention - everyone wanted us to buy something or pay for a photograph of their animal or perform for us.
We fell prey to a couple - the snake charmer and the monkeys. I have to say, while I loved my first hands-on monkey experience, it made me so sad to see these little guys on leashes and collars, and they just seemed kind of mad at the world (which I can understand). One of them hopped onto my lap on command for a photo, but he started biting my thumb midway through (thankfully it was a light bite, so no harm done). But if I was in his position, I think I'd bite people too.
Anyway, I'm off to dinner with the India PR team now, then packing up to check out tomorrow morning, participate in a long day of events here in Delhi, then off to China in the evening. Onward ho! (No jokes please, it's just not that original.)